
General Advertising Policies

Advertising Responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published by the Publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. In consideration of the Publisher's acceptance of such advertisements of publication, the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless from and against any loss or expense resulting from claims or suits based upon the contents or subject matter for such advertisements, including, without limitation, claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. Publisher is not responsible for any errors in key numbers.

Copy Responsibility: Publisher is not responsible for ad copy, artwork or negatives submitted by advertisers after one year. Only material clearly marked "return to agency or advertiser" will be returned.

Cancellations: Not accepted after published closing dates. Publisher reserves the right to repeat last advertisement when copy instructions are not received by closing date. If no previous insertion, client is liable for cost of contracted space not used, and space will be allocated at discretion of the Publisher.

Agency Commission: Recognized Advertising Agencies of Record will be given 15% commission when camera-ready material is supplied. Agency disclaimers will be honored only after the client submits a credit application and letter acknowledging financial responsibility for all advertising placed on their behalf by the agency of record. Inserts, color charges and classified advertisements are non-commissionable.

Credit Payment: Payment must accompany all copy unless credit has been established with the credit department. Terms of credit extension to all advertisers are 30 days net; 1 1/2% monthly interest charge after 30 days.

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